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Information Rights: Privacy and Freedom in the Internet Age

Privacy means there should be no interference from any other individuals or organization including the state as well. In other word, it is the right of any individuals to be left alone and be free. The concerns of privacy often exist whenever the personal identifiable information or other information is collected and used by other individual in any kind of forms.

To address this issue, many kinds of security such as computer security, data security, and information security design and utilize hardware, software and human resources.

It is also supported by Universal Declaration of Human Rights article 12 which says that “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.” This laws help protecting any individuals or organization so that no one will easily know about their personal information.

In an organization, information rights means that any investor of the organization needs to now or to be informed about everything happened in that organization even though it’s not their right to make any decision for the organization. But sometimes, the freedom to visit the organization’s site are misused by the investor or there are people who tried to visit it the site by admitting that he is the investor, which could make the organization land some shares to a person who are actually not an investor and it could also make the organization go bankrupt. 

Some internet challenges to privacy such as Cookies, Web beacons, and Spyware are used to address some problem like that. Cookies could identify browser and track visits to site which show the people who try to open and visit the company’s site, Web beacons is used to monitor the people who are reading the emails or visiting the site, and Spyware is used to display all unwanted advertisement.


  1. Do you have any idea of how I, as a not-expert in IT, can protect my data from hacking or other crime that steal my data? Thanks

  2. Thank you for the question. You can protect your data from hacker or cracker by Create a secure password policy, Install and regularly update anti-virus software, Set up a company firewall, Only allow routine attachment types, Create regular backup files, and so on. But after all there is no perfect protection, great hacker will crack it if they have great intention to your information


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